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Our focus

Each year we provide up to $2 million in funding to support a range of partnerships focused on helping people and communities live healthier lives.

All of nib foundation’s partnership opportunities are outlined below as well as in Our Partnership Approach which has been designed to give organisations interested in partnering with nib foundation an overview of our funding model. Our Partnership Principles guide the way in which we work with our partners in the community.

Prevention Partnerships

Our flagship Prevention Partnerships provide a small number of organisations with large multi-year funding to help reduce common risk factors for chronic disease.

Application to this program is by invitation only. We identify Preventions Partnerships proactively as a vacancy in this program becomes available.

Find out more.

Dr Lee Ashton using the No Money No Time platform

Prevention Partnerships

Aboriginal Health Partnerships

Our most recent grant stream strengthens our commitment to helping close the gap in health and life expectancy outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Commencing from 2020, we’ll invest $1 million over four years developing partnerships that build emotional and social wellbeing in youth.

Find out more.

Aboriginal Health Partnerships

Community Support

We support community initiatives when a compelling need arises including responding to emergencies and disaster relief, charitable causes connected with our business, and one-off or ongoing causes that contribute to the better health and wellbeing of the communities in which we live and work. Partnerships are developed on an ad hoc basis, by invitation only.

Find out more.

Community Support

Good Cause Grants

Our annual employee-led Good Cause Grants empower our people to reflect on health and social issues they care about and champion their colleagues to get behind these.

Since 2015, our Good Cause Grants have seen our employees collectively distribute $140,000 to 34 nominated charities globally.

Find out more.

Good Cause Grants


nibgive is our employee giving program where we actively encourage and support our employees to get involved in a broad range of community volunteering and giving initiatives.

Find out more.


News and Events

June 16, 2022

Meet our 2022 Good Cause Grants recipients

May 25, 2022

New Alcohol and Wellbeing Self-assessment tool launched to help combat risky drinking

May 12, 2022

[email protected] program in high demand among students at Universities across Australia

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