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Has your student visa expired? Here's what to do next

A woman pours over documents on her living room floor

Visa expiry date approaching? What to do next.

A woman pours over documents on her living room floor

Is your visa expiry date fast approaching? Whether you’re thinking of applying for a new visa to remain in Australia to continue your studies, to kick start your career, or you’re planning to head back home – nib is here to help.

Extend your studies

Signing up for another semester of studying can be daunting, but whether you’re continuing your education to further your passion or to pursue a particular career, we’ve put together five facts you need to know before you take the next step.

Start your career

You’ve made it through your final year of study and decided to stay in Australia to begin your career. There’s a few important things you need to sort out – like applying for a Graduate 485 visa.

To help get you started, we’ve broken down the basics of the 485 visa for you.


The exams are over and all your hard work has paid off - congrats! While you’re waiting to get that certificate or degree in your hot little hand, have you considered traveling?

Not quite sure yet? We’ve put together five different alternatives to get you started.

Not sure yet?

We’re here to help. Give us a call to discuss your options on 1800 775 204. Alternatively, click here to request a call back from us.

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